Your Chance to Do Your Part in Saving the Environment Just by Switching Your Laundry Soap

>> Thursday, July 10, 2008

Did you know that petrochemicals in laundry soap are not necessary to get your clothes clean?
Not only are they unnecessary, but they are harmful to your family as well the environment. Residual petroleum remains in the clothing and ultimately will come in contact with your skin and the skin of your loved ones. This petroleum residue can cause rashes and skin irritations and even eczema. Chemical sensitivities may also trigger allergies and asthma like symptoms.
Just by switching to vegetable based laundry soap we can save the environment and the health of our family. Vegetable based soaps are not full of useless fillers, phosphates and excess water that the giant companies are charging you for. They leave no petroleum residue, therefore reducing skin irritations.
They usually come in concentrated formulas which reduce the impact on the environment creating less waste. In turn, meaning less material, less packaging, less energy and less waste. This also means that you save money as well. Everybody wins.
The use of phosphates is declining as the government is realizing the impact to our environment. They have been added to laundry and dish soaps to soften the water and tie up minerals like lime. They also provide alkalinity for effective cleaning. These are extremely harsh chemicals. They also are detrimental to our waters ways. They promote an over growth of plant life in turn robbing the oxygen from waters ways and eventually causing all living organisms to die off.
Look for soaps that are biodegradable and are made with organic surfactants, citrus oils and other natural cleaning agents. They should be non alkaline, ph balanced formulas without chlorine bleach and caustic chemicals. The chemicals are not only toxic to your family but damage, fade and weaken fabrics.
If every household switched their laundry soap to a vegetable based concentrate in recyclable plastic bottles, in one year we could save enough plastic to make 600,000 plastic laundry baskets.*
One last thought, if every household in the US replaced one bottle of 25oz. petroleum based dishwashing liquid with 28 oz of a vegetable based product-we could save 81,000 barrels of oil. Enough to heat and cool 4,600 US homes for one year **


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